Start your journey to vibrant health


Welcome to my website, The Healer Within. If you’ve arrived here you might be looking for some answers with regard to your health and I hope that you will gain some insight here.

Let me share with you what I’ve learned in almost 20 years in the healing business and that is the indisputable link between how a person’s basic thoughts and beliefs affect their health. There’s a profound connection between mind and body that most people are totally unaware of. In order to effect change in our health and wellness our efforts must come from within.

Most of the habits, patterns and beliefs that we have today were developed between the ages of 0 and 6 years old. They weren’t developed consciously, they were essentially downloaded from our parents, and from other people and events happening around us at the time. However, as we mature some of of those habits and beliefs no longer serve us and, in fact, hinder our development, preventing us from reaching our true potential. It’s that little voice in our head that says “I can’t do that, I’m not smart enough, nobody in our family goes to university, I don’t deserve that …….” These negative thoughts are not true and yet we spend so much time having them! These thoughts are just confirming what we downloaded as a child and we don’t even realize the damage that they are having on us. The good news is you can change all of that. A belief is just a thought that you keep on having and you can chose to change your thoughts and therefore your beliefs into something far more empowering. Let me show you how your language, your thoughts and your actions are disempowering you and together we can turn this around so that you can become the person you were meant to be.

If you think things just happen to you, then I’m not the therapist for you.

If you think that you are just unlucky in life, then I’m not the therapist for you.

If you believe that there must be more to life than this but are not quite sure how to get a slice of it, then I am the therapist for you!

Most people are passive about their life and let things just happen to them. The problem is that we create our personal reality by default, it’s not intentional. This is your life, be responsible for how it plays out!

We’re so lucky to be around at this time because there are many therapies that address these issues. In a typical session I may use, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), neuro linguistic programming, hypnosis, The Work by Byron Katie, chakra balancing, reiki or share the teachings of Abraham Hicks. By using a combination of these therapies I’m addressing the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of yourself in order for the healing to take place on all 4 levels.

There are many pieces to the healing puzzle. You may come in with a physical condition but the root cause may be an emotional issue. Vibrant health comes with being mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically balanced. If one of those pieces is not in sync, then you cannot experience optimal health.

If we can rid ourselves of all unprocessed negative thoughts and emotions that we’ve held in every cell of our body for years, we can align with our true self, the person we were put on this planet to be. These thoughts and emotions block our energy which eventually leads to “disease” within our physical body pain, inflammation and any number of diseases that are endemic in our world.

My holistic wellness coaching along with the equipment and therapies listed here can help

  •  Improve Health
  •  Relieve Pain
  •  Accelerate Recovery
  •  Reduce Stress
  •  Cleanse and Detoxify
  •  Increase Circulation
  •  Boost Immunity
  •  Fight Addiction
  •  Improve Digestion
  •  Increase Fitness
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